Farmers’ Organisations


Farmer organisations can take several forms of legal structures. The most common legal entities are: cooperatives, producer organisations, and producer groups. Producer organisations are the main actors within the EU agricultural sector.

Producer Organisations

A Producer Organisation (PO) is composed of a group of producers with the aims to reduce operating costs, achieve a better market position, reducing market volatility, and be environmentally sustainable.

How does it work?

A PO is made up of individual growers who work together, democratically, to grow and market their produce. A PO must aim to manage and market 100% of its members’ produce, although exceptions might apply. Just like an enterprise, a PO shall follow a business plan or an operational programme which is regulated by national and EU law.

Setting up a Producer Organisation

To be recognised as a PO the group of producers must be a recognised legal entity (i.e. cooperative, ltd. etc.) and be composed of at least 5 members with a minimum value of marketed production (VMP) of EUR 100,000 per annum (CAP. 447).

The Agriculture Directorate manages the recognition process of a PO through the application of National law:

CAP 447 Producer Organisations Act
S.L. 447.01 Fruit and Vegetable Producer Organisations Regulations
S.L. 447.02 Certain Products Producer Organisations Regulations
S.L.447.03 Wine sector Producer Organisations Regulations

And EU Regulations:

Council Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 – establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 891/2017
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 892/2017


Application for the Recognition of Producer Organisations and Producer Groups in the Wine Sector, please click here

Application for the Recognition of Producer Organisations and Producer Groups in the Fruit and Vegetable Sector please click here

Application for the Recognition of Producer Organisations and Producer Groups ‘Other Products’ please click here

For any other information you may require such as membership forms and ineligible actions, please send an email on

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