The Maltese, Official National Database System for Organic Plant Reproductive Material, Organic Animals and Organic Aquaculture Juveniles Availability
In line with Regulation (EU) 2018/848 Article 26 (2) , a national system has been established for the marketing of organic or in-conversion plant reproductive material, organic animals or organic aquaculture juveniles which are available in the Maltese Islands. The Agriculture Directorate has been designated the administration and management of the systems concerning organic plant reproductive material, organic animals and aquaculture juveniles.
The scope of these systems is to share information on the availability of organic and in-conversion plant reproductive material, organic animals and organic aquaculture juveniles and thus facilitate the acquisition of organic certified plant reproductive material, organic animals and organic aquaculture juveniles to the organic farming community.
General requirements for registering to market Organic and In-conversion Plant Reproductive Material, Organic Animals or Organic Aquaculture Juveniles in the System
• The operators shall ensure that that they are able to supply organic and in-conversion plant reproductive material, organic animals or organic aquaculture juveniles in sufficient quantities and within a reasonable period;
• The operators shall provide their names and contact details as well as the information required on the organic and in-conversion plant reproductive material, organic animals or organic aquaculture juveniles as required in the sections 1 to 3 below;
• The operators that opt to include information on organic and in-conversion plant reproductive material, organic animals or organic aquaculture juveniles shall ensure that the information is updated regularly, and shall ensure that the information is withdrawn from the lists once the plant reproductive material, animals or aquaculture juveniles are no longer available;
• The operator shall demonstrate that he has been subject to the control system in line with Regulation (EU) 2018/848 and its supplementing delegated and implementing regulations;
• The operator shall provide the name and/or code number of the control authority or control body in charge of the control of the operator as referred to in Regulation (EU) 2018/848;
• The operator shall be in a position to demonstrate that the organic and in-conversion plant reproductive material, organic animals or organic aquaculture juveniles to be marketed comply with the requirements pertinent to the organic production rules in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/848 and its supplementing delegated and implementing regulations.
The managers of these database systems may, with approval, where necessary in consultation with the competent authority refuse an operator’s application for registration or delete a previously accepted registration if the operator does not comply with the pertinent requirements.
Registrations for organic animals and aquaculture juveniles are to be redirected to
1. Organic and In-conversion Plant Reproductive Material System
Apart from the general requirements such system shall have the organic and in-conversion plant reproductive material, such as plant reproductive material of organic heterogeneous material or of organic varieties suitable for organic production, excluding seedlings but including seed potatoes, which is available; the quantity in weight of that material; and the period of the year of its availability; such material shall be listed using at least the Latin scientific name.
The Organic and In-conversion Plant Reproductive Material can be accessed through the following link .
2. Organic Animals System
Apart from the general requirements such system shall have the organic animals for which derogation may be provided in accordance with point of Part II of Annex II; the number of available animals categorised by sex; information, if relevant, relating to the different species of animals as regards the breeds and strains available; the races of the animals; the age of the animals; and any other relevant information.
The Organic Animals System can be accessed through the following link.
3. Organic Aquaculture Juveniles System
Apart from the general requirements the operator shall include information on the organic aquaculture juveniles available on the holding and their health status in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and the production capacity for each aquaculture species.
The Organic Aquaculture Juveniles System for Malta can be accessed through the following link .
Access to information.
The information in these database systems is available through the Internet, free of charge, and made public on a voluntary basis.
The database system managers shall ensure that all users are informed every December of the procedures in place for extracting the information.