Origin of plants including plant reproductive material for organic production.

The origin of plants including plant reproductive material for organic production shall comply with Regulation (EU) 2018/848 and its’ supplementing delegated and implementing regulations, in particular with Annex II, Part I: Plant production rules, point 1.8.

For the production of plants and plant products other than plant reproductive material, only organic plant reproductive material shall be used.

To obtain organic plant reproductive material to be used for the production of products other than plant reproductive material, the mother plant and, where relevant, other plants intended for plant reproductive material production shall have been produced in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/848 for at least one generation, or, in the case of perennial crops, for at least one generation during two growing seasons.

When choosing organic plant reproductive material, operators shall give preference to organic plant reproductive material suitable for organic agriculture.

For the production of organic varieties suitable for organic production, the organic breeding activities shall be conducted under organic conditions and shall focus on enhancement of genetic diversity, reliance on natural reproductive ability, as well as agronomic performance, disease resistance and adaptation to diverse local soil and climate conditions.

All multiplication practices except meristem culture shall be carried out under certified organic management.

The list of species, subspecies or varieties of organic and in-conversion plant reproductive material availability in Malta can be accessed through the following link .


Use of in-conversion and non-organic plant reproductive material

The use of in-conversion and non-organic plant reproductive material shall be in accordance with point 1.8.5. of Annexx II, Part I: Plant production rules of Regulation (EU) 2018/848.

The authorisation to use non-organic plant reproductive material shall be obtained before the sowing or planting of the crop.

The authorisation to use non-organic plant reproductive material shall be granted to individual users for one season at a time.

Such request shall be submitted to the competent authority via email on

The competent authority may annually grant a general authorisation to all operators concerned for the use of:

a) a given species or subspecies when and in so far as no variety is registered in the database referred to in Article 26(1) or the system referred to in point (a) of Article 26(2) of Regulation (EU) 2018/848;

(b) for a given variety when and in so far as the conditions laid down in point of Annex II, Part I of Regulation (EU) 2018/848 are fulfilled.

When using a general authorisation, operators shall keep records of the quantity of non-organic plant reproductive material used.

The list of authorisations granted for the use of non-organic plant reproductive material can be accessed through the following link .